


Tag Team...Back Again

Not really, but I think that's one of the lines to "Whoomp, there it is!" I'm pretty sure anyway, it's been so long since I was woken up in the middle of the night whilst Liz and her friend Jodie put together cheer routines to that swill. Time does go on!! Alright, onto the meat of the matter...I've apparently been "tagged" by Nancy. I have to answer the following questions and then throw the challenge out to 3 other bloggers...get your tag on!!

4 movies you could watch over and over again:

1) Wizard of Oz

2) Polyester
3) Does the BareMinerals instructional video (Swirl. Tap. Buff.) count as a movie? No?? Ridiculous...alright then the next one would have to be Dirty Dancing because:
a) nobody puts Baby in a corner!!

b) You're wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild and
c) i carried a watermelon!!
4) Pretty much ANY Christmas movie
(see December archive)

4 jobs i've had:

1) international *Nsync fan

2) babysitter/nanny

3) college bookstore manager

4) RD

4 places I've lived:

1) Bremerton, WA

2) York, ME

3) 18 Davignon, ManchVegas USA

4) St. Mary Hall (8 years!!)

4 places I'd rather be:

1) Fenway Park

2) Florida

3) Ireland

4) Egypt

4 shows u watch: (though I think it would be EASIER to list 4 shows I DON'T watch!!)

1) Gilmore Girls (can't get enough!)

2) American Idol

3) Little House on the Prairie
4) Rescue Me

4 places you've vacationed:

1) Tampa, FL

2) Orlando, FL

3) Toronto, CanANada

4) New Jersey

(PS-I actually took this picture last summer at Sea World Orlando...we had dinner with him...we're friends.)

So I guess that's all Mo I pass this challenge to the next bloggers...if you dare!!
Drewbie and Allison (they only count as one!! at the BenSpark), Maggie, and Katie! Blog on kids!!


No Day But Today...

I finally got to see the film version of the musical RENT this weekend. I was skeptical, especially knowing the director has made major films such as Adventures in Babysitting. Plus, the first time (and only time) I saw the show was in New York City with Joey FATone of *NSync playing the if you know me at all the film would of course have a lot to live up to. It [the film] was, in a word, breathtaking. In fact, the only reason I know I breathed at all was because I'm still alive to type this right now. No show that is meant for the stage is as personal once it's put to film, but this was the exception. I think I got a lot more out of the movie version than I did when I saw it live. It had to help that I wasn't sitting in the fourth row when the FATone took the stage...but I also admit (ugh) that I've matured. But just a little!! I swear, I went through a half a box of Puffs Plus. I could barely move except to sop up the tears from my cheeks. The written characters are amazing, and the people who played them truly did them justice. Speaking of Adventures in Babysitting, the guy who played Mark in RENT (and originated the role on Broadway) was in that movie as the goofy best friend...who knew? I think the story in and of itself is something to not just watch, but to make you think. These epidemics have been happening for too many years, and sadly the message is timeless. Money, as for everyone on earth, rules their lives...but they don't let it ruin them. They're all bound by love and tragedy, true tragedy...not just petty drama that seems to infiltrate everything nowadays. This show is sweet, and funny, and romantic, and brutally sad. I loved every second of it:) I don't believe Netflix will be getting it back anytime soon.

Oh, and to prove I've only matured a very's a shout out to the FATone... had to be done...I was getting way too serious. I do recommend you see the film, especially if you haven't had the chance to see the stage show. There's "no day but today..."


The App-REESE-tice: first week of questions available!!

I can hear it now....."Money money money money.....MONEY!!" The sweet tones of that bass's only days away!!

For those of you participating in the joy that is "The App-REESE-tice," it goes like this...

• It's simple to play. Each Wednesday, you will be asked questions about the upcoming episode of The Apprentice. Just enter your predictions before the weekly deadline and you'll receive points for every correct pick.

• Gain bonus points! Bonuses are rewarded to correct picks submitted well before the game deadline. See the
game rules for bonus point breakdown.

•Think you know who'll win? Predict who will become Donald Trump's Apprentice and you'll be rewarded an additional bonus at the end of the season. See the
game rules for further details.

I welcome any and all of you to join in the fun. I played this late in the game for the Martha Apprentice, apparently according to The Donald himself I was one of the ONLY ones who watched the show!! It was fun though...that's why I'm bringing you into...The App-REESE-tice!! If you have never seen it, trust me, I had NO interest in ever watching it and caught an episode of the second season on MS-NBC one did not take long for me to get totally hooked!! If you have any questions or anything just let me know!! I'd like to make a personal welcome and "shout out" to the newest viewer of the We're in a Fight Blog...California MO!! Welcome to the blog and the game!! I'm sure you won't be seen in the boardroom any time soon!!


For the Wonder of it ALL...

I know...I've been getting hate mail regarding the non-posts of this past weekends activities. I find myself having very little time to catch up after this weekend and with my phone activity restricted I haven't really talked to that being said...sit back, relax, and enjoy the missive I am about to rattle off for you!!

So as some of you know my back went out YET again last week. (Also a reason why I haven't posted because it's really too hard to sit at the computer) This happened, of course on Wednesday before the big Foxwood's adventure was to commence!! I thought it might just be stress...there's been a lot cast upon me lately and I think my body just hates me...well, I know it does. Regardless...I called the doctor on Thursday when the pain had not gone away. I left early to go to see the doctor, just to arrive for the appointment and find out she was called away for an emergency. They told me that I could come back in the morning, but to call first. I called several times and left messages. My doctor's nurse called back at 11:00 while I was trying to get out the door to work (Yeah, above all else I need to be able to pay for this crap!) and said the doctor could see me at 3. I told her no way-I did that yesterday and ended up missing valueable work time, and I couldn't miss anymore. I'd be happy to come in the following week, all I needed was a prescription for the muscle relaxers to aid me through the weekend. Apparently that wasn't what they had in mind...but I continued to battle and finally won. The prescription was called in later that day. Luckily I had it called into Hannaford and not Rite Aid, because when I arrived home we had no power...neither did the rest of the area (which includes the former "IGA" shopping complex that now houses Rite Aid). My mother brought me to "Hannnnnaaafoooord's" and I was finally at peace with the day. I went home, popped one (along with some left over Vicodin from the last back injury...YES I HAD SOME LEFT OVER!!), made my way upstairs with my fancy new glow in the dark flashlight (also acquired at Hannnnnnaaafoooord's) got into bed and didn't get out until 9 or so the next day. Lovely.

So Saturday arrives and I now have to I scavenged for clean laundry as the plan was to do laundry the night before - but with the power out - it just didn't happen. I finally got a decent bag packed and Peggy, my mother and I went to my Nana's for the afternoon. From there we traveled to Mashantucket, CT....for the wonder of it all. We decided to go to the casino that night, after checking in at the hotel I will forever know as the "My Name is Earl Hotel." I figured after being in the car for about 5 hours-I could use the walk. Peggy couldn't wait to hit the casino...and she hit it hard!! She went to one slot machine and didn't like it...I saw another one called "Unicorn." It was next to another of the same, and next to that was one called "Turkey Shoot." It seemed like destiny was calling, so we went and played. Peggy put in a ten dollar bill I loaned her. I looked at her screen to "help" her if she needed it. And the numbers rose from $10-$20...not bad...wait...they kept rising...$60...$70...holy shit!! I called for my mother to come look. Yeah, when all was said and done...the final tally was $112 bucks...for one push of the button!!! Insane!! She was all excited-which was good and bad, because then she couldn't really understand why she didn't keep winning. Hey, a score of $102 bucks off a 25 cent bet really isn't that bad!!

Sunday morning we met up with my Aunt Julie and my cousins Patricia, Julie, and Karen to play Bingo. It was a lot of fun, and we sat with some really nice people. Granted we really didn't have a choice because the only seats we could get all together were in a row. I was really hoping that someone at our table would win, but alas we gained nothing!! Julie (my cousin) got busted for taking a picture...whatever. I don't know why it is illegal to take pictures during Bingo...sometimes it has to be done!! There are things you wouldn't believe in the Bingo halls!! I almost got caught text messaging with my cell phone, but I kind of wanted to know if they would take me off to Foxwood's Jail or something. I'm such a renegade. Bingo there is crazy though-the hall is HUGE. I used to think the legendary Star of the Sea Bingo was the end all be all...this was nuts. The hall was bigger than my house!! Truthfully, I think it's bigger than the building I work in!! At one point there was a mouse and the side it was on started a "wave" of panic. I felt like I was at a ballgame! Meanwhile, someone was evacuated by EMT's and the only reason I knew it happened was because I saw them sneaking out the side. It's like it never happened at all!! We had a great time, and I felt bad because after the bingo finally ended (and I mean finally because we went from being there around 9 am to the last game ending around quarter to 4!!) we got separated and I never got to get the pictures I wanted of the group!! Needless to say, my back was jello at this point, so I really wasn't thinking all that clearly. Maggie was out waiting in line with her boyfriend Rich for the second game, and then I got into line behind her in case they wouldn't sell her 9 tickets to get in. That's right...we were in for a second round and had 6 more people meeting us to play!!

Linda and Kim were lovely enough to join us, and keep me company in line while I was being attacked by the midget eyebrow lady. Thankfully Kim had the decency to text message me on the phone to insult the woman...rather than take the chance she heard her whisper. It was also the only time I could be thankful for the back pain because my laughter was veiled nicely by my grimacing face. One of the more hilarious moments happened to be when Linda accidentally bumped into her while talking to my cousin Patty. In mid-sentance she turned around and faced down to apologize and said "I'm sorry...I'm a giant." Then immediately went back to the conversation with Patty. I couldn't even stand up because I was laughing so hard. Thankfully Maggie was successful at the purchasing counter and we went in to get a table. I went to search out my mother and Peggy, and found them with Katie and her new beau Colin. I was so exhausted I didn't know whether I wanted to laugh or cry, but somehow made my way to the ladies room and locked myself in the stall just to have a second to stretch out my back without any weird looks from anyone!! Meanwhile, if you could see the people at this great. Second only to the Martina concert for people watching. The grand prize winnah for most attention grabbing person of the "whiskey tango" variety definitley goes to the "Flock of Seagulls/Penguin lady (?)" If it had been legal to take pictures-I so would have! I can't even describe it!!

After bingo ended we went to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. I had a drink. I hadn't taken any medication since early I decided it would be ok. And it was. I think.

From there we went to the slot machines and before I knew it- it was 1:15 in the am!! We had to force Peggy out of the casino because even though I had called the hotel for a late check in (yeah, the "My Name is Earl Hotel" would be no more!!) they said they overbooked and I needed to get there in a half hour if I wanted to have a room. Wrong thing to tell a woman in severe back pain, who's only "medication" was some drink called a "Pickled Tink," who had sat in a bingo hall all day, who hadn't won a dime, who was already overtired!! I definitley yelled at the woman over the phone and told her that I made the reservation months ago, and if they were going to charge me for the room I was damn well sleeping in one! Then I had to call back about 20 minutes later for directions-that was fun. It worked out though because she told us to go North when we should have gone South, so when I called to figure out what was going on she let me know that our room was waiting for us when we arrived. Yeah, you better have my room ready!! It was so nice though-there were a thousand pillows on each bed...well 6, but it was late and it just looked awesome:) The beds were soft and I immediately fell asleep. Then 7:30 am came and the little bastard staying above us was apparently practicing for the summer olympics by running a marathon over our heads. At about 8:30 I gave up and called the front desk. Stupid. It just got worse from there. My paradise hotel room was now ruined from my grumpy wake up call. We got up and got ready and met up with Kim and Linda again to hit the Casino. Katie and Colin were also at the "F-woods" and we got to see them for a minute before they headed back to gamble. We split with Kim and Linda to find some nourishment, and then went to one of the slot machine sections. I lost 20 bucks and called it a day. I called Kim and told her we would be leaving soon, she said they were on thier way out as well. An hour later my mother was still sitting at some lobster slot machine while I tried to be comfortable in those weird slot machine chairs. I decided to take a potty break as Mary was not leaving anytime soon...and found Kim and Linda gambling away around the corner! After separating we ended up leaving at the same time anyway. Our final gamble was on the Ben and Jerry's stand as we left. As Linda said "if you're going to drown you sorrows from might as well be with ice cream!" And with that we made our way back to Maine.

I will try and post pictures tomorrow...sorry kids...having some "technical difficulties!!"


The App-REESE-tice

I've created a fantasy league for The Apprentice and would love for y'all to join in the fun. I got into the fantasy game for Martha's Apprentice a little late in the game last year-but still chose the winner as my final that was something. Basically every week questions are asked about the content of the show, pertaining to the contestants. It's a guessing game, but I'm sure I'm not going to be working for the Psychic Friends Hotline anytime soon. So if you want to join, just hit the main page at the link "up top." You may have to create a yahoo id...but that's pretty painless. If you already have an account with yahoo, then you are ready to proceed. The following info is also necessary to join the group...
Group ID#: 345
Password: reesie
If you have a problem let me know.
I hope to see you all "in the boardroom!!"


Words cannot express...

Monday night I had the pleasure of seeing Martina McBride in concert...for the 3rd time. Just for all of you keeping track, that is exactly half the number of times I have seen *NSync in concert. I haven't gone as far as "traveling internationally" for Martina, but after last night's performance I would absolutely consider it!!

I have only recently come to know the joy of country music. I fought the battle for about 27 years, but I finally fell prey and have been an addict since. You can laugh all you want, but there's some good stuff there. And one of the best parts of being a fan of country music means you get to see people in all walks of life attend these concerts. The other night was NO exception. We were front row in the freak show...and with Martina singing the really could get no better!

Last fall I decided to get the tickets for a friend and I. Her birthday was earlier this month, and now that she's getting old and decrepid I thought she should be treated to Martina before she craps out. So after keeping it a secret for months (literally I only told her a few weeks ago, but told her when I bought the tickets to keep Sunday, February 12th open), Maggie was finally allowed to know the destination...the glamourous Paul Tsongas Arena in Lowell, MA. Fast forward to this weekend and the storm of the century. Martina was gracious enough to postpone the concert for one night...taking the lives of her fans into consideration. On the flip side, the work week had begun and we ended up in traffic with other fans and Lowell commuters and missed the opening act and probably 15-20 minutes of Martina. The show was completely worth the hassle though because Mrs. McBride did not hold back. She, as always, was amazing. I am so jealous of this woman's voice...I can't even tell you. She sang the first act from her new album "Timeless," with tributes to Johnny Cash and Tammy Wynette. The second act was a LOT of her stand by tunes. Totally made the concert. It's so much better to go to a show and know exactly what they are singing, rather than the obscure new stuff. And she encored with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." If you pretend to know me at all you know that The Wizard of Oz is my very favorite film. When Martina sings "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," I truly believe it's as good (if not a wee bit better) than Judy herself!!

So besides the concert there was the atmosphere, and I'm not talking ON stage!! Oh my GOD. Hilarious. At one point I couldn't see I was laughing so hard. Right in front of us was a woman who had to be in her fifties. Her teeth looked like they hadn't gone a single day without being suffocated by a cigarette. She was accompanied by who I can only assume was her daughter. The daughter couldn't have been more than fifteen...and if she was eighteen it was a very immature eighteen! Maggie signaled to me to "look," and I did. She wore low rider SWEATPANTS that showed off her lower back tattoo very unneccessarily. The little girl next to us said to her dad while pointing: "look daddy, that little girl has a tattoo!!" The father could only shake his head in absolute disgust. Right with you, pal! So the "mother" takes her jacket off...and is sporting a Johnny Damon Red Sox t-shirt. Just not right. Then she stands up, she was also sporting sweatpants...and I kid you not...they said "daddy's girl" across the bottom. I could not control my was embarrassing, but well worth the giggle!

Let me tell you, I could go on and on and on and on...but it would be highly insensitive of you'll have to wait until you see me in person!! Ha!

I must away to watch American Idol. Last night tragedy struck and I did not record the last 15 minutes of Gilmore Girls. I believe it was Kharma punishing me for the blog war that I unknowingly started. I'm never going to see another swill toothed nana with nasty messages on her rear....dammit!!

Lizzy joins the partay...

My sister Elizabeth, the bride to be...has finally started her own blog on "le blogger." So, I figured it would be rude of me...the maid of honor to not link it on mine own blog. Therefore...tis done.

The picture above was taken at Busch Gardens in Tampa about a year and a half ago. We had finally gotten off the Congo River Rapids after riding in it about 15 times in a row and truthfully being forced to leave or told to start paying rent on the giant innertube. Good times:) Granted it was nothing like when we were 8 and 10 and did the same thing, but wore hats turned up like "Cap'n Crunch" and declared the "ships" as our own. More good times:)


Gilmores 'n Gats...

In a small town known as Stars Hollow, Lorelai Gilmore is crying. And believe it or not...Rory is not to blame...not even Luke. I know, you think that Emily or Richard are to blame, or perhaps even Paris' insensitivy caused tears to flow like crazy. Not so, kids. The culprit is me...with a little help from "Ponch."

So for those of you who are unaware (yeah, I know you come just for the trivia!!), apparently there's a little kerfuffle going on in blogger-land and per usual (please note sarcasm)'s "all about me" and apparently my loveable obsession with the Gilmore Girls!! Basically a seasoned traveler of "We're in a Fight" was visited by a young man on her own blog that made some disparaging remarks about a childless woman who spends their time blogging about the "downward trend of quality writing on the Gilmore Girls." I did not read this comment...but heard about it from my cousin Nancy and from the infamous "JuanitaSanchez." Both ladies immediately lept to my defense in comments on his blog, as well as Juanita's (which she finally eliminated altoghether). I must express my gratitude to these women for sticking up not only for me...but for childless Gilmore Fanatics everywhere! The thing is folks, whatever the guy had to say I never saw it. He has now openly apologized to me on his blog, though I do believe it was a misunderstanding. He explains that he's just trying to be humorous by bringing up the Gilmore Girls now and again. This just goes to prove that you can never underestimate the power of those who have pledged allegiance to this particular television program. Look what happened when they tried to cancel "Party of Five" and "Designing Women." Not that Gilmore is in the same sort of trouble right now (thank goodness), but zillions of fans staged letter campaigns to see their beloved programs come back to life. "The Family Guy" is the most recent and truly deserving sample of the work of true fans, and hopefully "Arrested Development" will have the same result to the "Save Our Bluths" Campaign. There's so much crap going on in the world, so much heartache and devastation. We look to television for news and information, and for some relief from "the real world" (not to be confused with the tv show!). Some people enjoy athletic competitions on the tube...others like the crime dramas to bend their minds...others love their sitcoms. My guilty pleasure is the "dramady," in this case Gilmore Girls. I don't shun others for what they like, and I make no apologies for liking what I like. So "Not Erik Estrada," I accept your apology. I give you credit for rising above the turmoil you accidently brought on with your comments. We're all here to have a little fun, and to enjoy the writing and rambling of others. It just might be wise to think about what you have to say before you say it. Personally I think the way to go would be to not pick on someone for being childless...that was below the belt. But you apologized, I've accepted...and it's time to move on. Oh, and you also must watch Gilmore Girls faithfully for the rest of it's duration. You must also watch all syndicated episodes on The Family Channel, or at the very least invest in the DVD collection. Watch them, and understand the magic and joy that is Gilmore Girls. And be favorite show COULD have been The Golden Girls...and that would just be cruel.


Happy Birthday!!

Today is my mother's %$th birthday!! Last night she was given a card by Peggy who wrote: "To my favorite mother." My mom turned to me and said: "But I'm her only mother!" Wow...I guess old age is getting to her!! I "gifted" her with one of the new Paula Deen dvd's available exclusively at Target. I thought she was going to cry.
If you don't know who Paula Deen is you:
a) obviously don't spend enough time with my mother
b) don't consider mayonnaise one of the major food groups
c) haven't fallen to the irreversible addiction to The Food Network.
All but option "a" can be forgiven!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!


Ridin' along in my automobile...

I think we can all reasonably agree that Britney Spears is not a "well" might say "she's out of her gourd." Her first slight against humanity was shaming the uber-relationship she had with Justin Timberlake. She cheated on him, and she hurt him. For that she will never be forgiven. The break-up obviously took a toll on her sanity because she began "acting out" and within days of the split became the poster diva for the Whiskey Tango Coalition (translation-she's white trash). What happened? No one really knows, but the more outlandish she became, her career spiraled into non-existence (save the Tabloid articles). She married the guy from Seinfeld (not really, but they shared the name), in a wild Vegas adventure. That ended quickly and not very quietly. Suddenly she'd linked to Kevin Federline whose only claim to fame at that point was being the father of two kids mothered by some chick who used to be on Moesha. Nice choice. Timberlake to that? Non-sensical. Of course the courtship followed the "crazy path" to a tee as Federline's second child had not even been "borned" yet. What a proud papa he must be. Soon the wedding happened with the bridesmaids wearing sweatsuits that said "Juicy" on their bottoms. Classy...good thing you're "settling down, Brit." Then "surprise!!" BS is preggo and the world stops for her and this miracle of life. I honestly have felt bad for this kid since the news of his conception hit Star Magazine.

So fast forward to yesterday, when Mama Spears is taking a leisurely ride to a local coffee joint avec her precious son and her bodyguard. The bodyguard gets OUT of the vehicle to fetch the freshly brewed libations, the paparazzi swarm, chaos ensues, and Mother of the Year Spears with her son in her LAP drives off into the sunset. Of course she is photographed with the child in her lap and the press has been having more of a field day than when Michael Jackson waved baby "Blanket" out the window of his hotel.

I really could care less what Britney does on a day to day basis. Honestly. But when she makes a stupid decision at the expense of her child, any child for that matter, that bothers me to no end. I don't know her, and I wasn't there. But something tells me that if you can take the time to wait for your cup o' joe to come back to the car via can take the time to put the child back in the carseat. It's not Rocket Science, Bob! Why are you out getting coffee and using your paid source of "protection" as a coffee valet in the first place? Was the caffeine fix that important that you couldn't abort the mission? You have tons of money...and sadly some of it rightly should be returned to me (you can keep the concert money though because that was the night I met THE Keith "L" thanks for that!). Can't you afford a coffee maker? For the love of *NSync, you could probably afford to have your very own Starbucks counter in your home, or by your pool...hey you're writing the with it what you want...put it in the nursery if you care to. While I applaud you for taking on the immeasurable career of motherhood, I have to say that this incident leads me to believe that if you were a contestant on Trump's Apprentice: Big Mama's'd be one of the first to hear "You're fired!!"

In conclusion, I don't hate celebrity fact I guarantee this would never happen with Jennifer Garner Affleck or Gwyneth Paltrow. Mostly because they seem like not only decent people, but people serious about being moms. I just think it's time for Britney to grow up and take responsibility for the precious gift that's been given to her. I may have had a different opinion if she hadn't cried paparazzi assault, but in recent times I think too many celebrities (Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, the Olsen Twins) are making poor decisions and rather than dealing with the mistakes and taking responsibility (drunk driving, poor choice in sex tape editors and keeping track of cell phones and diaries, faking an eating disorder to cover cocaine addiction) they look for the easiest, loathesome, intrusive target to blame. Brit, next time...just blame's easier and everyone would not only understand but probably laud you as a hero mother goddess. Good luck with that.


What's it all about??

I make no secret of the fact I do not understand football. Nothing makes sense to me...and I'm not ashamed to say it. However, that does not keep me from watching the Superbowl every year for the entertainment value alone. I'm in it for the commercials kids-plain and simple. And should I find a refreshing cocktail to quench my thirst while watching the nonsensical game in-between commercial breaks...all the better!

I missed the kick off completely-no biggie. There was a Little House Superbowl Marathon going on and I couldn't not partake!! In fact I even made little Peggy watch a few episodes, before I knew it Mary and John were in on the Little House parade! I missed kick off because it was the episode/movie when Albert comes back to Walnut Grove with Charles and they find out Albert has a "rare blood disease" that causes bloody noses and he's dying. The worst part was that all the whiskey and cotterizing in the world wouldn't help Doc Baker save poor Albert. So sad! I'm pretty sure it was just an excuse because DB had probably drank all the whiskey in town before Isaiah could get to it! At any rate, I was watching that, and thus missed the kick off and the National Anthem. It's ok though because I think I heard Aaron Neville was doing it and that guy just eeks me out. The only time I can really tolerate him is when Horatio Sans is playing him on SNL, so considering that's not technically him...well...I guess I just can't tolerate him at all.

So here's a list of comments I had during the course of the game...

Favorite "Bud Light" commercial- "The Magic Fridge"
If you missed it-a couple of guys are in their kitchen and have filled the fridge to the brim with Bad Larrys. One says to the other, "but the guys are coming and they'll drink all the Bud Light!" The other one says: "Don't worry, that's why I had this installed." And with the flip of a switch the wall changes like it's the game of Clue, and the opposite wall appears with a table and such, hiding the fridge on the other side. Shot goes to the other side of the wall where the fridge now is, and the inhabitant of the next door apartment yells to his friends that "The Magic Fridge is back" as they start unloading it's contents and praising it. Just funny, and because I feel that any fridge chock full of bud light is made it really special;)

Favorite "Budweiser" Commercial-The baby Clydesdale.
In person, I hate these things-they are beautiful-don't get me wrong...I don't know what it is. I've never really been a horse person. I was decidedly NOT one of those girls in fifth grade with a horse on my "trapper keeper." And if you were, don't take offense...I'm just not that into horses. I've seen Clydesdales in person, but none as small as the one in the commercial trying to pull the Budweiser wagon (and finally triumphant but only the audience realizes two other clydesdales are actually pushing the wagon to help the little one out). I think it might have to do with the fact that at Sea World the Clydesdale Hamlet is right next door to the Hospitality House (Mecca at Sea World [they give you free samples of Budweiser products!]) and it just takes up valueable free beer time by having to go through there and get pictures and see the horses and "yes, they're so pretty," and the smelly poop, and the crying scared kids, and the frustrated Mo who just wants free beer! (And yes, I realize that I could go and get my beers alone-but I need my sister and Mom to come too...because the bartenders will only give you (technically) two a visit so sister and Mom who don't drink can get in line as well:) Yeah, and don't think it's escaped my mind that now I have TWO non-beer-ingesting sisters to do my free beer bidding!!

Favorite Commercial that Sucked but got a great reaction from my dad-The Toyota commercial where the truck is on the beach and gets smashed on by waves and pummeled against rocks but starts right up when the guy comes back to it. My father yells: "Come on!! That's BULLSHIT!!" I was crying...very unexpected and very much appreciated.

Scariest Superbowl Moment-The halftime show with the Rolling Stones. Could Mick Jagger stop raiding the closets of 12 year old girls?? Honestly, what was with the half shirt?? I really did NOT need to see him flash his belly so much! And is his choreographer also prepubescent?? The guy's like 90-I think we can all agree that the pelvic gyrating was really upsetting...except for Michael Jackson who was reportedly "elated" and then confused once he found out it was Mick.

Funniest Commercial due solely to violent content-The Sprint cell phone ad with "theft deterrent." Granted most of the commercials had some sort of "violence," the one where the guy hides Bud Light all over the office and the people fight and tear up the place like wild animals was enjoyable, and considered for this category...but the thrill of the surprise is in effect with this particular Sprint ad. I pretty much almost fell off the couch, and that has to be worth something, right??

Commercial that they probably spent way too much on that I really don't ever need to see EVER again-The creepy Burger King commercial with all the dancers dressed like layers of a Whopper...including the mayonnaise. They scored a few positive points for referring to that weirdo plastic King as the "freaky King guy," but still fell short in non-awkwardness.

That is pretty much all I have, with the distraction of knowing that Little House was a mere click of the remote away...and the fact I have no clue when it comes to the foosball! I was sad to see Seattle lose, I was born out that way so I felt they were my team this year...but that was only finally decided because of the interest piece they did on the coach's wife as she is currently serving as a nurse in Zimbabwe or something. That and Hasselbeck (the QB-see I know some things!!) is from the New England area...and married to Elizabeth from Survivor and The View fame!! But as I'm sure Hasselbeck knows being from New England...the saying goes..."there's always next year!!"

Bring on the SOX!!!


Who's up for swimming?

I had to bring Peggy to the dentist this afternoon, and we decided to ride by the beach to see the wave activity. The kid hasn't seen much since the surgery, so it was a nice treat for her. At any rate, I had my camera and took some pictures. Farther down the beach the water was coming right over the sea wall...the road was covered in seaweed and rocks, but we trudged through:)

This is Long Sands Beach right at the ramp by the bathhouse...the tide is insanely high, usually at low tide there is a good quarter to half mile of beach before the water breaks.

This was from Short Sands Beach...just an abandoned washed up "lobstah" trap...but it caught my eye. No "lobstahs" inside, but there were plenty of seagulls foraging for dinner in the seaweed close by.

This is a shot of Nubble Light, the waves were huge! I can't even explain was actually kind of scary standing there. The wind was fierce right off the water, and all I could hear was a foghorn. I don't think these shots are too bad, the fog was substantial...but considering they were also taken under the cover of a "ziplock bag" (no lie), you can still make out the detail of the storm.

Another shot of the Nubble with a better view of the waves. I don't know why but my camera "hesitates" to take the picture. It drives me crazy because then I don't get the candid "as the moment happens" shots I want. Someday I'll be able to afford a real camera...someday!!

This one was hard because of the fog, but it was taken at Short Sands. The waves hitting against the rocks can me mesmorizing. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in one of those houses!

"Welcome to REESEville!!"

You don't think I look at the google ads on my own blog do you? Well , I do and this one caught my eye for obvious reasons! A) How can I avoid something with the title REESEville? B) Sally Struthers of Gilmore Girls/All in the Family Fame is in it so how can it be avoided. I have to say I'm pretty impressed with her comeback as of late. She's on more TV shows now than commercials begging us to get a degree in hotel/restaurant management from home, or feed the starving, fly consumed children for pennies a day!

Apparently it's some small town murder mystery movie...I'm pretty impressed with the makeup job on Sally's eye above, so if the acting is anywhere comprable then it should be worth the rental. Yeah, I'll be netflixing this as soon as I submit this to follow!!

Brokeback to the Future

This is one of the funniest things I've EVER seen!!

Granted it's yet another parody of Brokeback Mountain...but totally worth tuning into for the laugh!


Hello out there...

I just wanted to update everyone on Peggy...she came home yesterday afternoon and is doing very well...she was alert and happy. Her cat was very happy to see her back home again! She has to go back in again today because the doctor thinks there is another stone in her stomach, but fingers crossed...there won't be!! Thank you again for all of your well wishes...she told me last night that everyone has been so nice to her.

I have a lot going on the next few days at work, so posting will be pretty much nil until Thursday evening:( Gilmore Girls was one of the better ones of the season last night. I think Emily and Richard are my favorite characters, and having them back and being themselves was awesome. I'm a little sick of Paris...she's been doing the same thing for years with the "holier than thou" attitude and I'm all set with it. I hate Logan, I hate that he "saved" the paper when Rory (though I hate to admit it) did all the work to begin with. It made her look like a helpless loser (not that I completely disagree) when he swooped in at the last minute to help out when she had rallied to get it done in the beginning. Maybe it's not Rory I hate so much...maybe it's Logan!! I liked Rory when she was with Dean, and a little when she was with Jess...but maybe it's the Logan factor (and the poor acting) that's getting to me now. That has to be it! Yeah, and this Luke and Lorelai drama needs to end. I'm not fond of it in the least. There should be no postponement of the wedding. The storyline doesn't even make sense! How does Luke go from being perfect and knowing everything about Lorelai to not even recognizing she's hurt and distraught about all of this? How does it make sense that he demands honesty and communication when Christopher is involved, but he keeps mum about the kid for so long? No sense...none. Seriously...continuity people!!

AI believe it or not, is starting to get on my nerves. While I like seeing people humiliate themselves on air...I know there is at least another week of the initial auditions which means more people just being insulting and silly. Have you noticed at the end of the show when they show who got through to the next round it's mostly people we didn't see audition at all? They can ditch the "medly" of the bad auditions singing the same song and show us some talent. It's just queer now. Oh well, that's not going to stop me from watching it whilst hanging at the Windham Way this evening!

Here are the trivia results for the month of January. I'm shocked and saddened to say that for the first time since it's inception, Drewbie has surpassed me as Grand Monthly Champion!! Congrats to him though-and thank you to all of you who play!!

Jan 06
43 players played during the month.

1. Drewbie (206 points, 8 wins)
2. Mo (184 points, 10 wins)
3. vtek33 (151 points, 1 wins)
4. lizfwiz (116 points, 1 wins)
5. jovifan (107 points, 1 wins)
6. reverand_aldern (101 points, 0 wins)
7. HotFudgeWig (85 points, 1 wins)
8. Eoj (59 points, 0 wins)
9. Slovac (58 points, 0 wins)
10. CheapSal (51 points, 2 wins)