The App-REESE-tice

I've created a fantasy league for The Apprentice and would love for y'all to join in the fun. I got into the fantasy game for Martha's Apprentice a little late in the game last year-but still chose the winner as my final that was something. Basically every week questions are asked about the content of the show, pertaining to the contestants. It's a guessing game, but I'm sure I'm not going to be working for the Psychic Friends Hotline anytime soon. So if you want to join, just hit the main page at the link "up top." You may have to create a yahoo id...but that's pretty painless. If you already have an account with yahoo, then you are ready to proceed. The following info is also necessary to join the group...
Group ID#: 345
Password: reesie
If you have a problem let me know.
I hope to see you all "in the boardroom!!"
You freakin' Rule, Reesie. But, no matter how awesome you are, Reesie (imagine me banging the table and then pointing at you) YOU'RE FIRED!!
That was cold, Jovi!
Do they have contestants for the upcoming season, or was Allie in last season? I had best do some Trump research to find out. I can't have Lauren, the complete Trump Show novice upstaging my knowledge of the show! That just won't do!
I just conducted a little Trump research. Lauren is dead right, the new candidates are posted up there now. Reesie, you will be delighted to know that the candidate, Tarek, is a fellow St A's alum. Let's root for him on those qualifications alone. I vote to eliminate Brent and Bryce right now just because they are named Brent and Bryce. Those names denote complete arrogance, self-importance, ego and jerkiness. Just you wait and see. There is a slight chance that Brent will be a nice guy (but I wouldn't put any money on it), but you mark my words, Bryce will be a total asshole!
Reesie should be on the "we're in a fight shitlist......." how long has it been since she blogged?
Ok Ok I want to join in the fun even If I am the "old Lady" of the group ! ... never too late to try though right??? On the first question of signing up, where do I find the names ... is that too lame of a question ??? can you help me out ? I want to play too ! ... or are you going to "Fire Me" right now !
Allow me to properly introduce "Surfwahine." This is our (Lauren and me) cousin, California Mo. She has been reading my blog and I have encouraged her to take a look at yours. I have already sent her an email giving her what I hope will be the necessary information to join your Trump group. This is're going national!
Wah!!! I can't figure it out! What link "up top?" I'm 40 for've got to make it easy for the old folks like me. And how come I'm not on your blog roll? You'd be on mine if I knew how to make one!
the name of the blog is the link. Click on app-reese-tice and that is the link.
OMG, I'm such a dork. I signed up, but I'm going to ask my husband, AKA "Mr. Fantasy Football with 14 Leagues" to help me. Look out, girls & boys, I've never seen The Apprentice but I'm going to kick y'all's butts in this game.
We're gonna be in a freakin' fight if you don't get some new postings up in here!
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