Who's up for swimming?
I had to bring Peggy to the dentist this afternoon, and we decided to ride by the beach to see the wave activity. The kid hasn't seen much since the surgery, so it was a nice treat for her. At any rate, I had my camera and took some pictures. Farther down the beach the water was coming right over the sea wall...the road was covered in seaweed and rocks, but we trudged through:)
This is Long Sands Beach right at the ramp by the bathhouse...the tide is insanely high, usually at low tide there is a good quarter to half mile of beach before the water breaks.

Reesie, Were you guys out walking, or were you just pulling over to take shots here and there? I bet it was beautiful to see the beach like that, but I'd be a little worried that two of my favorite peeps in the world would be blown away by fierce winds!!!
Those are some awesome pics! Makes me so nostalgic for the east coast. I can't talk my family into going there, they keep whining about friggin' Disney World.
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