The App-REESE-tice: first week of questions available!!

For those of you participating in the joy that is "The App-REESE-tice," it goes like this...
• It's simple to play. Each Wednesday, you will be asked questions about the upcoming episode of The Apprentice. Just enter your predictions before the weekly deadline and you'll receive points for every correct pick.
• Gain bonus points! Bonuses are rewarded to correct picks submitted well before the game deadline. See the game rules for bonus point breakdown.
•Think you know who'll win? Predict who will become Donald Trump's Apprentice and you'll be rewarded an additional bonus at the end of the season. See the game rules for further details.
I welcome any and all of you to join in the fun. I played this late in the game for the Martha Apprentice, apparently according to The Donald himself I was one of the ONLY ones who watched the show!! It was fun though...that's why I'm bringing you into...The App-REESE-tice!! If you have never seen it, trust me, I had NO interest in ever watching it and caught an episode of the second season on MS-NBC one did not take long for me to get totally hooked!! If you have any questions or anything just let me know!! I'd like to make a personal welcome and "shout out" to the newest viewer of the We're in a Fight Blog...California MO!! Welcome to the blog and the game!! I'm sure you won't be seen in the boardroom any time soon!!
Reesie, The questions weren't available. I simply saw the chance to make a prediction as to whom will win the whole thing. Where are the questions?
there should be another line that says "incomplete" you can click on that and the questions for the first week will come up. if you want to watch previews of the first episode (so you aren't going into it blind) just go to the official website
or you're fired!!
Damn, I have to figure out which media player I have to install to be able to watch the Donald! I'd say my gorgeous little Mac is wonderful in all aspects of computing, but it is a pain that not all the PC-ready media players are plugged in!
I'll try to figure out how to do it to watch the previews. Otherwise, I'll go into it blind. Like I do with so many other things!!
Thanks for your help. It was easier than I thought. I didn't have to install anything, I just had to go through Netscape as opposed to the Apple Safari browser. I watched some of the tapes. I HAVE TO GO ON RECORD AS SAYING THAT I SAID LONG AGO THAT BRYCE WAS GUARANTEED TO BE AN ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE. HAVING SEEN HIS AUDITION TAPE, I THINK WE CAN ALL AGREE THAT MY FORESIGHT WAS 100 PERCENT ON THE MONEY. WHAT A TOTAL JERK!!!!
Let's get an account set up for Al! She can play!!
Ok Reesie, I'm in this for the long haul! I actually watched some of the clips and it looks like a very interesting group ... how about that Lenny?? bunch of hot heads too! I'll be keeping up with you East Coast Gals! No cheating on calling "Yall"!!
I feel so famous making it to your Blog!! Play on Reesie !
Allie's in on the action now as our "littlest apprentice."
Oh, when Lauren said she wished you had one going for AI, I thought she mean AL, as in Alison. So I set up a game account for Al under the heading "littlest apprentice." Reesie, if you want to delete the player, feel free. I just thought it would be kind of funny to throw a player in there for her. After all, the kid shares all of our other addictions (Dunkin Donuts, Target, Lottery, Bon Jovi..."nice smile") so we might as well get her started on this, too.
Hey, what the hell is up with this poison pen crap with Donald and Martha?
Naturally I have to take Donald's side.
OH HELL! I just checked my team only to find that I MISSED THE FIRST WEEK! How did that happen? Has the show started without me? OK, well, I was just giving you guys a little head start, but I'm back! (How do I get to the new set of questions...I'm clueless, CLUELESS I tell you.) would like some answers.
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