Leavin' on a jet plane...

That's right everyone, it's time for the blog sabbatical I warned you about. I know you won't be able to sleep at night without my musings and tomfoolery...but you'll have to suck it up and get by somehow. I'm staying at the Disney Dolphin, which I've kindly pictured above so you won't worry about me. I'll be back around midnight on Saturday, and will return with pictures and the joy that you have become accustomed to.
Before I go, just a few words...
Is it a baby or a puppy?
Brad and Angelina finally had the baby and named it Shiloh. Come on. Like this kid won't have enough grief growing up.
Bow your heads...
in silence as Paul Gleason has passed away from cancer. The man is most notably known for his role in the Breakfast Club as Principal "Crackin' Skulls" Vernon, but near and dear to my heart was his role as Clarence Beeks in Trading Places. My favorite line: "No more God damn jerky beef!"
On another sad note, The Tony Danza Show has officially been sent to the grave. Our dreams of going on the show and doing the game "Six Degrees of Danza" have been shattered, our souls will never recover. We must keep the memory alive by spreading the word of Danza and allowing all in the world discover the joy he brings to one and all...and ukeleles.
The Donald Trump Show...
Tonight is the final standoff between Lee and Sean. Also many past apprenti hopefuls will return to help with the task...I hope Lee's team throws him under the bus and says they can't participate because of religious reasons...just to see how he'd handle it. In all fairness, I know it's not cool in the business world to tell someone they have to work during a religious holiday...but if it were a Catholic in the same boat...would they be allowed to go pray? I don't know...and the topic is way too serious for my own mind to deal with!
I ran into some former neighbors today, a family I used to babysit for. Yeah, the second oldest is with child and about to pop any day...I thought I felt old when they got their drivers licenses!! Ugh.
Yesterday I went to a parade in Somerville with my dad's family...most of them!! The weather was awesome, the kids were hilarious, and guess who the jackass was that forgot her camera!!?? It was an entirely lovely day, and I'm looking forward to the next time most of us will be together at Liz's wedding!
Alright, I'm off to finish packing and be settled for the "Donald Trump Show Finale." I wish you all a wonderful week of not having to be forced to read my incoherent nonsense and babble! Peace out..."Reese" out:) (I had to do it...I know since the AI finale you've missed Seacrest!! HA!)