I may just make it after all!!

I have to say that I was disappointed in the final episode of Alias, but not so much that I didn't note that openings were left for possible movies and such. I can't talk about it...it hurts too much. Waking up in a less than jovial mood, knowing that somehow I'll have to move on and go through life sans Alias...I needed to find something else to comfort my sorrows. Considering the commute I have to work, liquor was out. Darn it! I then traversed my friends blogs, a usual morning routine, to find that my request for The BenSpark's newest feature (the video of the week) was granted! Joy of ALL Joys!! Streaming now is "Bye Bye Bye" "by" *Nsync!! I could barely leave the computer to go to work!! It's awesome!! All of my precious memories *nvolving *Nsync suddenly came back to me!! Even the memory that "Lance" exists came shining through! Ha!! As Drewbie put it, my *Nsyncerator past is highlighted in the mere presence of the video. I fully admit that I waited on the phone for hours on end to get tickets, not for my 15 year old sister...but my 25 year old self!! MORE than once!! The trips *Nternationally (Canada) and to *New Jersey with fellow *Nsyncerators!! The marionettes, the MTV award show parties, "S" is not for Superman..."S" is for "shutup!", Joey's red pants to match his crayon red hair, going to NYC and having a man sleep ON me on the bus to see Joey FATone as the lead in RENT, *Nsyncerator meetings, marathon movie weekends featuring "our boys," "If I didn't have cheese, like, every day...would you still want to be with me?" Ian performing "God Must have Spent" on a subway in Toronto, the 'post concert' entertainment at Foxboro, "I wanna twirl and YVAN ET NIOJ," "have you seen us??"...and FOLLOW THE BOUNCING BALL!!! So many ridiculous but GOOD times have been spent at the behest of these guys...and best of all...I met 2 of my best friends because of them (and probably in spite of them!). So now that a chapter of my pop culture obsessed life has closed with the demise of Alias, I think it's time to resurrect the marionette collection and the cd's and dvd's, and bring back some of the finer, simpler, psychotic obsessions I can!! HA!!!! "Bye bye bye!!"

Glad I could brighten up your day.
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