McPhee-ver is doused by the Soul Patrol!!

Taylor Hicks is the New American Idol!! Many said it could not be done...but the silver haired boy from Alabama just stole the show and proved he could not be "out done."

Awkward moment #1:
The duet between Meatloaf and Kat...too bad they didn't do this tonight because he made her sound so much better than she actually is...granted he was sweatin' harder than Richard Simmons and Whitney Houston combined!!

Awkward moment #2: Clay Aiken's "coiffure."
"A picture is worth a thousand words!"
WHO did this to him????!!!

Awkward moment #3:
This whole set up was just...weird. They started by "awarding" the doof that said in early auditions he could be the next Clay Aiken. He is without question...NO Clay Aiken. Then the bastards let him sing-just so they could bring out the real deal to serenade us all with "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me." (So many jokes could be made here, but realize that I'm holding back because I'm terrified of a pregnant woman!) I felt bad for the goofball kid (fake Clay) because he started singing along like it was a duet! They finally shut his mike off and Ryan actually walked him off out of the view to cast the focus on Aiken. (again-I'm refraining here!! and it's killing KILLING me!!)

The winner guy looks like Jay Leno.
WOOOOOOOOO!! Soul Patrol Baby! Soul Patrol!
How could Lauren even insult Caroline by intimating that her appearance is at all like that of this Bozo? Jesus, talk about insulting people on the blog forum!
This is a tough crowd. Did anyone actually listen to his voice at all?
I have to say that my favorite part of the entire finale (besides Taylor being crowned King) was the kid's reaction when Clay came out to sing. I watched it again last night-and it's great for a giggle!!
I also read that not only did Prince just leave the second he was done...but he literally arrived at the theater, walked on to the stage and performed, got back in his car and left!! Seacrest had no idea he was coming when he stood at the podium!! I think it's phenominal that after all these years Prince can still get away with that!! LOVED it!!!
Speaking of Price, I think he's mad at me. I went to his concert one time, and it blew. I just couldn't get into it at all. By the end of it, I swear he was glaring at me. I think I ruined his mojo, threw off his groove. And yes, Jovi, the winner is a dead-ringer for Jay!
Leno is hilarious! Love the guy.
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