One Crazy Night...

"What should I be? There's so many sides to me. I could be an astronaut, a robot, a hobo, a clown, or an alien creature going out on the town...what should I be? What could I be? What should I be?"
That is when Garfield is rummaging through John's attic to find the perfect costume so he can go trick or treating with Odie...and con Odie out of all his candy. Somehow they happen upon a haunted house that's got a creepy guy in it and get chased by ghost pirates...seriously, what the hell is wrong with me???

And finally, because the holiday will be over by the time I actually finish if I keep going on and on and on, Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. This movie is cool because it gets you all primed for the Christmas season, without letting go of it's essential Tim Burton-esque weird factor. I actually haven't seen this in awhile, I may have to Netflix it. And right there is the beauty of the movie, because it's a dual-holiday treat! Woo! This is the story of Jack, who is the mayor of Halloweentown. He likes the whole idea of Christmas and wants to take over the he jacks Santa and makes a go at it. In the 'twixt and 'tween there's a whole love story going on's it:)
That's all for now, kids. Have fun trick or treating! I did finally decide to go as an Indian for the big party this weekend...there are pictures, but I didn't sign any releases to post them publicly. I really can't afford the court costs if I sue myself for privacy/character infringement issues...and who wants to pay those fines? If you click on the title of this post it will bring you to the actual history of might want to edumacate yourselves on these tidbits!! It's interesting...I swear!
Happy Halloween!!!!