It's time...

You're going to be shocked and all...but I finally updated the blog links after promising to do so posts and posts ago! Now that work has finally chilled a bit I get my life back! Phew. It's been a long long couple of months, but I feel happy that October has finally arrived!
So here's the scoop thus far...
Bobby got a promotion!! Next season he'll be working one of the Blue Jay's A clubs, the Lansing Lugnuts. Ha...he's a lugnut!! I'm sure you can imagine how proud we are of him! Hopefully Lansing, MI is a little more populated than Pulaski, VA...otherwise known as the land time forgot.
Elizabeth and her new hubby, Wes have bought a house of their very own...a very exciting move! I'm looking forward to seeing it...and considering I just found out I have more vacation time than I thought...well...get my room ready!!
My oldest friend in the world is having a baby...and though that's not news to's still very exciting. Even more exciting is that Emma Elizabeth will be born in the next few weeks! I can't wait to meet her (and tell her ALL sorts of stories about her mama!! ha!!)
I actually get to see my girls tomorrow!! It's amazing...I haven't seen most of them since July. Seriously, the end of my summer was just BS!! I feel free!! The eye twitch has almost completely stopped! Ha!! Seriously, Caroline has been walking now for months and I've yet to see one little bitty step:( That will change tomorrow though as it's girls night at Lauren's. Extra bonus to the evening will be seeing Lauren herself, Nancy (and her engagement ring!), Julie, and Maggie! I'm so excited to just be out of Maine it's not even funny! Plus, next week I have to go back to Castine for before I have to go deeper into the will be nice to have some good times:)
Have a great weekend everyone-be swell!
Reesie, I don't know if what Caroline does is technically "walking." More appropriate descriptors of her ambulatory state might include, staggering, crashing, careening, get the point. But whatever the hell is it, is sure is cute!
'It's time' to write another entry!
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