Don't Cry to Me...

Or for me...I'm a lost cause! (By the way the second season of Lost was released on DVD this week...catch's worth it!! You have plenty of time because season 3 starts in October...and I have a friend working as a writer on the show...but I refuse to let him tell me what the eff is going down on that island!)
I've been remiss in my blogging duties, but at least I can admit it! I've had all these dreams of blogging about my trip to the amazingly interesting Castine, ME, as well as my cousin's Baptism, Maggie's first week back at school, and other events, but my life has been a little exhausting as of late. Between work and personal things, by the time I get home I'm spent. I haven't even turned on my computer at home in a week...I can't deal with technology after a certain point in the day it seems. But never fear, this should be the last week we go without regular posts for awhile...but don't quote me on that!
Please say a prayer or four for my Nana...she's going through a rough time right now and can really use some good intentions:) I'm happy to say she is doing very well right now, and we're looking forward to an excellent recovery. Thank you!!!
I'll be back, possibly even tonight...but I have a busy weekend with visiting the Nana and possibly seeing Bobby return home for a week!
Thanks for your patience peeps...I'll try and do better by you:)
PS-Congrats to Miss Katie on her new, better, and higher paying job!! I'm so very proud and happy for you!!!
Welcome back, Reesie! Glad to see you've joined us in the blogging world again!
She's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
No worries Reesie! WE Love You!!
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