And so it goes...
I really don't know what to say. I've seen the episode and allowed it to sink in for the past hour or so. I did some laundry to fill the time, and have perused the internet for a bit trying not to think about it. I'm not entirely sure that this isn't some dream because it made no sense...well, the Luke and Lorelai storyline...and Rory never makes sense so that's to be expected. I will be spoiling things right now so don't read on if you haven't seen the season premiere. And if you haven't...who are you??
-Babette gave an amazing performance this evening. I loved her giving directions on how to launder her "unmentionables." She's priceless.
-Michele and Sookie's arm wrestling was one of the high points of the show.
-Sticking to a positive note (are you sensing the theme here?), Paris is a lunatic...I loved the way she talked to that mother "I need to know if this is her fault or yours."
-I hate Christopher.
-I hate hate Christopher. He gives me the heebies. What was that phone call?? Ugh...let it go! Of course it's not going to - he's ruined things for me!! Ruined!!
-Am I, a fan of Gilmore Girls for many someodd years REALLY supposed to believe that Lorelai was able to let go of Luke that easily?? Has the entire last 6 years not centered around the amorous tension between the two? Really?? Really?? Am I to believe that Lorelai, who was SHATTERED when Luke broke up with her after the Emily/wedding/Christopher (hate him) debauchle, REALLY would just be so mean as to not even try with Luke and just tell him so hatefully about what she did? I was sick...more sick than Bledel's excuse for acting. What was with her face when watching Kirk drive? Pitiful...but I digress. I'm not buying this Lorelai and Christopher nonsense...not for a second.
-The rocket thing was gay. He should have given her the new Tickle Me, Elmo...that might have gotten his point across better...
-Lulu needs to not talk in future episodes...I don't approve. She's slightly worse than Rory in the acting department...but only slightly.
-The raquetball saga. I'm glad they went with the continuity angle and gave her a swollen eye even later in the day. Sometimes shows forget previous injury, and that's upsetting. And Rory WALKED home AFTER the whole accident thing and that steak was a frozen brick...see...THAT's what I'm talking about with the continuity. Unless they are just trying to say she's cold. Hmm?
Those are my feelings for now. I have another early day at work tomorrow so I'm thinking I won't get to write before work again:( I'm sure I'll be up all night thinking about's my sad should have known me when Alias was still alive.