So as you all may recall from my previous post I went to see "the Dave" this weekend. Bottom line, I’m not 21 anymore. The random things that happened at this show on "the lawn," repulsed me to no end. I was never so unimpressed and unamused by those in their late teens and early twenties in my life. And that is from a chick who used to work as a college RD! From the haze of weed smoke choking the stagnant air, to the masses of ill bred idiots that simply felt no shame in dropping trou and urinating wherever they stood…I’m positive that it will be a long, long time before I attend another concert "on the lawn." Everything else about the weekend was fine, I had an awesome road trip experience with Maggie and Rich. I highly recommend listening to Dane Cook and torturing bastard motorists with french fries. It was wonderful to see Kerry and Stevie and Liz as well. The laughter, as always, was pleasant and welcome…and incessant. So the weekend wasn’t a wash at all…it was just the actual filthy rotten miscreants that pretended to think they could appreciate Dave whilst peeing in public. No thanks!
I also got to see my Sweet Caroline and Allison for a little pool party at their house on the return home to Maine. And I got to wish Nancy well as she heads to Croatia…and brings me back a "Croat" as a souvenir!! Ha!
Now, to the BIG news…drumroll puhleeeeze…..
I get to drive one of these soon…

I can’t take the little car anymore…I spend too much time commuting to feel suffocated any longer. That and after I successfully made my last payment on "Ramon Dos," he continued to "Shite the bed" on me. I’ll miss my little focus…but it’s time for a new path. For personal reasons, I’m also doing away with the legacy of the vehicles named "Ramon." I believe my new car will get the moniker "Diego," but seeing as I haven’t driven it yet…I’m not 100%. You need a little story about where I got "Diego?" Sure…I’ll oblige. When traveling the open frontier of the Florida Highway System, we borrowed my father’s GPS system so as to ensure we would arrive at destinations such as the hotel, rehearsal dinner, and my sister’s wedding…on time and in one piece. I dubbed the GPS, "Dora" after the cartoon character "Dora The Explorer." She’s a kid who likes her some maps…so it seemed to fit. "Diego" is the cousin of Dora…so I’m thinking we might have to keep the new toys "in the family." So my new friend should be joining me by the end of the week. I got picky on the color and they didn’t have any on the lot. I thought I was going to go with "Silver Moss," which online and in the catalog looked like a soft, sage green. looked like baby doodie. I can't drive that. I went with the sleek silver, which is practical as it will hardly ever look like it needs tub time. I’ll just have to suck it up for a few more days…hopefully Ramon Dos makes it in the impending heat. Oi.
I’d now like to take the opportunity to wish Captain Varitek a speedy recovery from his (fingers crossed not serious) injury from last night’s game. I just read that he's having surgery...everyone say a prayer. I missed Big Papi’s walk off homer by thismuch, but I knew something good happened when I heard my neighbor screaming expletives of joy from his back porch. So kudos to you, Papi…and thanks for saving the day…yet again!