


I'm tired...but that's ok!!

So last night, or early this morning, we picked up my sister Liz and my Aunt and Uncle from the glorious Manch-Vegas airport. Due to storms, their flights were a little delayed-but it worked out fine as they arrived just around the same time. We got back to Maine about 2...went to bed around 3...and my "natural body clock" allowed me to wake up around 7. Awesome. So, I'm beat-but at least it's a big fun weekend to look forward to! Nancy's wedding happens on Saturday-so be on the look out for some fun photo moments! I believe a lot of the family will be here on Sunday for some obligatory Maine lobster - and obligatory Budweiser product as well. I leave for vacation in 8 days...I can't freaking wait! Did I mention I bought an iPod? My cousin, who cannot discuss the new company she is working for online, but let's just say it's named after "the fruit that isn't an orange," guided me through the process very professionally. I ordered it on Sunday, and it arrived via Shanghai this morning. Perfect timing:) I can't wait to load it up with all sorts of "Mo Specific" nonsense. I'm sure you can assume there will be playlist dedicated to the amazing and prolific works of *Nsync. Nice.

If Bobby hadn't have stolen my "Dreamgirls" cd-that would be there too...but he's got a crush on J-Hud...and there was no stopping him. Of course I'm kidding, I'm exhausted and my back is acting I'm sure I'm typing on sheer adreneline boosted by muscle relaxers! Ha!

So here are a few things I need to comment on before weekend festivities ensue:

*Britney...keep your freaking clothes on!

*Paris...I really don't care at all. But just writing that I contradicted myself because apparently I cared enough to write that I don't care. I sicken myself.

*Gilmore Girls....still canceled...and I'm still dwelling.

*Pearl is retiring. She's too cute for words...but she seems to have plenty to say.

*Even with this rumor circulating...I can't support a Fletch prequel. I won't.

*By the "Uncle Jessie" taking a page from the book of little Stephanie and her drug issues (I swear she kept her stash in Mr. Bear!)...or is it really just jetlag? You decide and I'll confer with Danny and Joey. Someone's gonna be in "big trouble, mister!"

That's all. I'm going to get ready for some wedding shopping:)

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No rest for the wicked...

Has this not been the longest week for everyone? Well, it has been for me at least...a long, emotional week. I'd like to thank friends and family alike for their thoughts and prayers over the past few days. My family, specifically my sister, my brother-in-law, and his family had a lot going on, we still have a lot going on. Things started out very promising, and somehow turned negative. I prefer not to get into it in a public forum...for the sake of the people involved. I just ask for your continued prayers and hope, again, for the people immediately involved. THANK YOU!

On a bright note, my brother came home for like, a minute and a half this week. We took him on "Bob's Summer Tour of '07." He got to see a lot of family in one day, and God bless him, he smiled through every minute of it. Actually, it was really a good day. I had to work this weekend for Orientation so I took Tuesday off for the "Tour." We left early and hit up Nana's in Hull...I even through in a trip to "Riddles" (or as Linda calls it: the grocery store with the aisles that are 2 feet wide and carpeted) for the kid. Then we went to the beach to see Kim who was there with her awesome mom, and Emma. Bob got to see Emma's "old man face" in person and I thought he was going to hit the ground in laughter. Mom got to meet Emma for the first time too, so it was a very special treat. Then we headed over to Somerville and went to our Aunt's house. We got to see Nants and Lauren and the girls which was very nice, as usual. I even hit the pool with the kids for awhile...Allie was too funny as we "toured" the backyard via pool. We explored the river rapids (or the place where the water is pumped and ripples) and even used the "golden noodle of justice" to save ourselves from some disaster or another. I love that she just laughs at anything I say, as if I'm the headliner at the Comedy Connection. Perhaps that's a line of work I should look into...standup for toddlers and Pre-K kids! After a lovely visit with our cousins, aunt, and uncle...we made way to yet another aunt and uncle's house for some quality face time and "sniffins." Actually, I can't even call it "sniffins" because it was a ridiculously good gourmet feast that is so far above the level of "sniffins." It was a long day, but so great to see everyone. We'll all be together again soon at Nant's wedding...less than a week away!!! Yay!

So poor Bob had to leave at 4 am to make his flight in Boston for 6 am the next day. I haven't heard from him-and I would assume he was still sleeping...but I think I saw his new baseball card I'm sure he's been hard at work giving out autographs and such. Oh it is now...

And yes, I blurred out the last name. I can't have the masses of stalkers he has be allowed any hints from me to help their insane plots of weirdo-ness. Besides, not a lot of my fans know my true identity. I'm a superhero...and the fate of the blogging world cannot be put in jeopardy. How many of you think I'm serious?

Speaking of questions...there's a new "feature" on the "We're in a Fight" in the form of a survey. I'm going to try to post new questions weekly. Just doin' what I can to keep it poppin' fresh. Check out the survey...and answer honestly...the fate of the answer to the survey may just lie in your hands. Please remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

Who else thinks it's time for me to retire for the evening?

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Kids Incorporated...looks like we've made it!

Remember the show Kids Incorporated? Of course you do...if you don't you're either too old to remember or you lived under a rock. I don't actually realize how I stumbled upon this realization...and I'm admittedly sad that I did...but "Fergie" of Black Eyed Peas fame was actually a regular on the show. Good for her...a breakout career as a kiddie song bird, and now she gets to marry Josh Duhamel and sing about her "humps." Gee that's swell. I am a fan of present day "Fergie," I don't know why this is creeping me out as much as it is. "It's time to be a big girl now, and big girls don't cry." To make ME feel better I'm posting a clip from Kids Incorporated of "Stacy and the Clown." I don't remember the back story...thankfully...but the video is pretty amusing. Below is the new video of Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry" video. You're getting the benefit of some gratuitous Milo Ventimiglia in fake tattoo joy. Milo is currently starring in NBC's 'Heroes', but is more famously (especially on THIS blog) known as rough and tumble "Jess" from Gilmore Girls.

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Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner!

Are you sick of the Dirty Dancing references yet? Tough.

Yesterday afternoon I had the delightful pleasure of visiting with my friends Linda and Kim, and Kim's baby girl, Emma. Peggy joined us for a little adventure to "the bug" where we were attended to by one silly hostess asking if we'd require a kid's menu for Emma. Emma who is just about 8 months old. Emma who is being carried by her mother in a portable car seat. Peggy just looked at the woman and said "yeah, she's going to eat anything from the kid's menu!" I was a little horrified, but as we discussed later...more upset that the woman asked in the first place. Oh well. The conversation was fun...per usual with Kim and Linda. I'm already looking forward to our next rendez-vous...though only time will tell when that will be. Of course I had my camera at the ready so you could enjoy pics of Emma:) Please note that Kim put the baby in the corner, thus the Dirty Dancing quote earlier. See how everything just comes all the way back around (ooh...that's a Justin Timberlake quote...and a bunch of us are going in August to see Justin...including Kim...weird coincidence...or just weird? Wait! Don't answer that!)

Smiley Girl, even if she's forced to sit in the corner!

Must have just realized she's in the corner!!

Peggy & Emma chillin' in the parking lot

Awwww...she's a sweetie!

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A wedding Saturday within the month of June...

My cousin Courtney got married yesterday! She's only known the guy for 30 years or something, so everyone is kind of worried that they kind of rushed into it! It's actually a really sweet story, and to keep it short (which I seldom do) their mother's have been friends forever and you can pretty much do the math from there. It was a beautiful ceremony in Charlestown, right by the Constitution. As always, a wedding is a great reason for our family to get together. I haven't seen a lot of them since a certain Thanksgiving a few years ago (not that I "saw" them that day either!).

Some pictures from the evening...
The centerpieces.

And then...

what happens to the centerpieces after an hour of open bar with my family as guests.

Me, My cousin "in-law" Will, My cousins Scott and Sean, and "semi"cousin Matt.

At the church: Will, Scott, & Nana

Scott, Peggy, and my cousin Andrew

The happy couple, Courtney & Michael

Peggy, my cousin Gretchen, Scott, my cousin Kathleen, Me, and Sean
Scott, my mother & her BROWN dress, & Sean

Another cousin "in-law" Monica & Peggy (one of Monica's biggest fans!)


JONESin' for a Good Time!

Oh. My. God.

Friday night was the much anticipated "bachelorette party" of the year. From what I've heard, the Community of Somerville will never be the same...especially because there's a semi-doppelganger of Tom Jones running around with a whole lot of ladies skivvies! Well, apparently "it's not unusual."

My cousin Nancy will be getting her "bride on" at the end of the month, and her sister Lauren, obviously also my cousin put together a shindig in her honor. I have to say, Lauren puts quite a bit of thought and detail into these events, (she was the mastermind of my Fenway themed surprise birthday party last year) I really think she should go into party planning!

The walls bedecked in Tom Jones albums, also serving as the means to an end of a raffle:

The very classy cake:"Help Yourself indeed!"

Oh, and I should probably mention she arranged for Nants to be serenaded by Tom Jones...well...a guy that sings like Tom Jones...

Ladies and Gents, please direct your attention to the traditional "huck underwear at Jones" event:

Nancy's face says it all. And yes, that is an adult undergarment. And yes, he took that with him too!!

It was a night that won't soon be forgotten...thank God for digital and video cameras!! I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time! In fact, it was mostly all I could talk about at a different cousin's wedding the following night! I got a lot of jealous feedback from some old school Jones' fans. It was an awesome night with the girls...and as Lauren noted at the microphone, I'm glad we got all this nonsense out of our systems before the wedding!

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