I'm at home today. Not because Maine celebrates Patriots Day, but because we had no power at the college so it closed.
I came home and picked up Peggy for a little field trip around York. I heard a lady call into the radio that said "Don't go out to the beaches because you think it's exciting. It's dangerous, and hurt people are the last thing the rescue teams and police need to be dealing with." However, I am a dedicated journalist, and to be true to the integrity of the piece I wanted to present to you, the adoring blog fans of the "We're in a Fight," I had to say "p'shaw" to the warnings of danger and such. And to be honest, it was way too cool a sight to just turn away from!
I drove to the beach via the Harbor. And before I proceed I asked Peggy if she wanted to go home, but she refused. She was up for the challenge, and actually tried to get me to stay out longer than we did! Rebel, thy name is Margaret! Ha! So, we drove by the Harbor beach where there is a small inlet from the main road. I didn't drive down as it was covered in rocks, giant, black rocks. Plus there were idiots actually driving over them in smaller cars than Diego, so rather than mess with the not smart...I proceeded on. Turning the corner, there is a gap that overlooks the ocean where tourists frequently take photos. Several of them were there snapping shots. It was the first view of the water I had seen and I was absolutely amazed. The churning waves were breathtakingly huge. So much so, that the displaced mud sand was visible in the waves. The ocean formed like a giant mouth, gasping for air. That's really the only way to describe it-it was like the water was actually breathing, struggling for oxygen. We proceeded to the Long Beach, but were re-routed by orange cones and police tape. Upon further investigation, the entirety of Long Sands Beach was shut down. Not a back road could be broken through. I was going to park my car and walk, but not with Peggy in tow. It's one thing if I get hurt, it's another if she does. Somehow, we made it to Short Sands Beach. That was even more shocking than the peek we got at the Harbor. Of course that beach was shut off from automobile access as well, but they had not shut down an inlet that was on a hill of rocks. Several cars had gathered there and I was able to get a few shots before the York FD came barrelling down the road to chastize me, and tell me I had to move. Sure, buddy...I'll be on my way. I was done taking pictures there anyway, and the water was ridiculously too close. Again, having Peggy with me, I couldn't stay there.
So, we went down yet another back road to Nubble Light. I was very surprised that it wasn't shut down. Regardless of the fact that it's on a hill, the water from the waves was literally level with the parking lot. I couldn't get out of the car, the waves were hitting very close, and the wind was so strong that I thought I would topple over. So, I do have some pictures, but they are from inside my vehicle. The line was drawn...my noble endeavor of journalistic integrity flew out the window in the massive wind storm. Oh well, I can't say that I didn't try. So without further ado...here are some photos I took this morning. I went on a "post storm tour" and the town did a pretty good job of cleaning up. I was on the phone, so there are no update pictures...but I'll go out tomorrow and see what I can do for all of you. The infamous "Garfield's" was riddled with mud...which isn't surprising considering the smut they sell there!
I've also submitted some of my photos for the
slide show on WCSH, the local NBC news affiliate. If I see that they are posted, I'll let you know.
Ellis Park aka "Short Sands Beach"
Another view of Short Sands...not that you can see any sand...
The waves hitting the rocks to the right side of Nubble Light.
Nubble Light, from within the car. Check out the waves and the foam!
The "Wiggly Bridge" in the Harbor...submerged in the River.
Labels: Nubble Light Storm Photos, Patriot's Day Storm Photos, Short Sands Beach, WCSH6 storm slide show, York ME photos