Win a Bathtub Full of Cereal!

It's magically delicious...AND it can help people!! Who doesn't love cereal? Who wouldn't love to win 52 boxes of their favorite morning-time goodness treat while a food bank ALSO receives fiddy-two boxes as well? Tis the season to share with those less fortunate and Ted (a man I met briefly in Orlando*** during Izeafest while chilling with Miss Eva) wants to do just that! If he gets 500 unique comments on his blog post he will randomly select someone to win a box of cereal a week for a year, and also match the donation to his local food bank. How can you resist? Seriously, he went all out and doused himself in cereal...he ain't messing around!
Labels: Add It Up Contest, cereal, Ted, Win a Bathtub Full of Cereal