Send Drewbie to the Superbowl!!
I'm a little contest crazy in blogland lately? But who couldn't be...there is too much fun to be had! So now, Drewbie has entered himself into a Superbowl Ad contest over at FuelMyBlog...and I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I didn't try and get him a few more votes!!! Just follow the directions to register at FMB (if you aren't already!) in this link with more info from The Benspark himself. If you aren't already registered at FuelMyBlog...well...I just don't know why! I figure that we're all out here in blogville sharing that which we WANT to offer with the why not get more peeps to come and see what you are all aboot? (Yes, I meant to type "aboot"...I'm hoping for some Canadian blog love here!) So get off your high blogs, register, make new friends...and help out an old one by sending Drew to the effin Superbowl aye?! (**PS...I spent the weekend with Spaniards and WHY I'm throwing Canadian verbiage around is beyond me!**)
If begging won't get you to help out...then look at this picture of Drew in his younger years giving his all...and some high quality H2O to his team!! Won't you help the guy out?? Well, what are you waiting for...VOTE NOW...VOTE EVERY DAY...Do your civic blogging duty!!! And tell them I sent you:)

Labels: FuelMyBlog, payperpost, Room, Super Bowl Dreams, Superbowl Ad Contest, Vote FOR DREW
You crack me up. Thanks for posting about the contest, I am in fourth place in the Super Bowl one and not even in the running for the Roomba. Oh well my luck had been good and will be good again.
As Dorie says: Just keep swimming!!! It will be deserve it!!!
Drewbie . . .LOL
I don't think he won the Roomba.
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