Days of our Lives Website
Now, I'm a working girl...not that kind of working girl...simmer down! You all know how I love my tv...a LOT. I'm a little addicted to a show called, Days of Our Lives...heard of it? I think you have. It's one of the longest running soaps on daytime, and if you haven't heard of it-then maybe you remember that Joey Tribiani on Friends was on it and played Dr. Drake Ramoray. Is anyone scared of me yet? No? Well, the thing is though I love the show I can't always watch it when it's on...because...I'm a working girl. It repeats at night on cable, but seriously, I can't stay up that late. So there is a website called and I'm pretty sure it's going to be one of my new best friends. It has daily recaps, soap star info, surveys, and spoilers. If I can't watch the show, is definitely the next best thing. I won't lie, I've been to the shows official site, and it's very cumbersome and takes a lot of time to load just the first page. If I had that kind of time, I'd have time to watch the show. The site for Days of Our Lives is extremely easy to navigate, and information seems to be updated a lot more frequently. Go ahead and give it a whirl...I know you are dying to find out who's skeleton it is...and who will get custody of Claire...and who Mimi is now dating...what the heck Sami is scheming to do now...and if there are aliens ruining the lives of Salemites...or if Marlena is posessed...or has amnesia...or is being stalked by her evil twin. Check out for all the DOOL scoop! Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.
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