Willie Oleson is makin' me RICH BEEOTCH!!

Thanks to all of you Willie Oleson fans out there...my grand total is $1.62 since last I talked of the search bar revenues! The top query..."Jonathan Oleson Images." Ladies...and gentlemen if that's the case...I thank you...but so does my WALLET!! I'm so happy that fans of Little House are coming out of the woodwork...or rather I should call you all "Little House Ho's!!"
In searching for some pics of your favorite boy wonder of Walnut Grove who could usually be found in the corner of the schoolhouse...I found the Little House on the Prairie Encyclopedia online!! This will prove hours of fun for all you fanatics!! I'm including a link on the side as well! You won't believe the detail on this, and it was updated earlier this month so it's current too. Enjoy...and keep on searching!!
If there is so much Willie Olson action taking place online, couldn't you at least have found another picture of him? I mean, jesus, you already posted this shot a while ago.
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