HOW did I miss this??

Did any of you other Little House fools know that the kid who played Willie Oleson (Jonathan Gilbert) is actually Melissa Gilbert's brother in "real life???!!!" How did this escape my attention?? I fear that I have not paid quite enough attention to the minute details of the Walnut Grove population. I've spent too much time wondering where Mr. Edwards is going to get his next bottle of hooch...or where Albert will get his cigarettes...or why Shannen Doherty was ever cast on this show. Precious details have escaped me...and I've only myself to blame. Now I think Miss Wilder will have to send me to the corner for my punishment...
Woe is Mo.
How could you even refer to this detail as "trivial?" Reesie, this is one of the key elements of the show. True life siblings being forced to play out the roles of arch enemies on a hit tv show! This is one of the true dramas of "Little Dump." Oh well, at least you finally found out. Better late than never. Or so I hear.
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