Peggy's Birthday: Stage Dos
I'm not quite sure how many stages there will be, I'm pretty sure 3 will be it...but that won't be completed until February and the big trip to Foxwoods!
Today, Peggy and I traveled to the far away land of Reading, Massachusetts where we visited the kingdom of "Jordan's Furniture." This place is far and beyond ridiculous...needless to say we had one of the best days ever as we are also far and beyond ridiculous! We were supposed to meet up with Lauren, John and their girls, as well as Nancy, but poor little Allie was ailing and with the monsoon kicking up they decided it wasn't the best idea. Feel better, little Al!! So Peggy and I stuck with the plan and went to Jordan's to hit up the IMAX theater for a little Harry Potter action. We got in and got our tickets, and then went and had some lunch at the on site Fuddruckers. Then we traveled through "Beantown." Basically everything is made of favorite of course is the Green Monster made of all green jelly beans. There are other Boston landmarks, like the ducklings, the Corita Water Tower, and the State House. There are also giant flowers, like your walking through the gardens in Boston Common.

We then went on to watch Liquid Fireworks...about ten times. In the mean time you can catch people risking life and limb on the "Harry Zakim" Trapeze. I'm all set with that, but it was fun to watch.

At around 2:30 I checked to make sure I had the tickets for the movie (I get a little crazy and if you've seen my "purse" in recent weeks you would understand why I had to double check!) and realized the guy I got them from gave me 3 tickets for the 1:00 show of The Polar Express! Panicked...and well, pissed...I made my way through to the ticket counter and luckily found the same guy. He apologized and rang up the tickets again. Not for nothing, it's no "matinee" to go thinking I had to purchase 3 more tickets would have been a scene. But without skipping a beat he gave me 3 more the Polar Express. Come on. He finally got it on try three, and we went back out front for Peggy to play skee-ball a la duckboats, and await the arrival of my friend Linda. We then made our way into the theater which was GInourmous. It really is worth the trip and the money to go. I'm happy I saw HP4 again, because I picked out a lot of things I'd missed before. Granted with the size of the screen there was NOT much to miss...especially some "less than perfect" teenage skin flaws. Yeah, the big screen does NOT mask things well. The sound was incredible too-I thought Peggy was going to jump out of her seat when the sound effects made the whole theater rumble. I have to apologize to Linda, because I wanted to get a picture of her and Peggy...but was remiss in doing so. We'll get PLENTY at Foxwood's. (PS to Linda-Peggy asked if we really were going to run up and down the hallways of the hotel and bang on thanks for that!! Ha ha!)
Soon Miss Maggie (yes! She has been found!!)met up with us. We walked around Jordan's for a little bit looking at couches. Fearing I would soon fall fast asleep on one of them and end up in some weirdo Barry and Eliot commercial...we decided to go to Chili's for dinner...and here's where it gets interesting...
Enough of the Shirley Temples...Peggy's 21 and finally put on her drinking boots tonight! Little Shmackie...boozin' with the big kids...and for your benefit...a picture says a thousand words...

That's Peggy ENJOYING her very first legal liquor-filled mudslide (and taking drags off of Maggie and my Margarita's!! My little liquor pig...I'm so proud!)!! She didn't find the margarita's appealing...all in due time. I didn't like them the first time I had them...but look at how my pallet has grown! We had such a great time...and don't worry...we went shopping to walk off the booze before the ride home! I have new flannel sheets in the dryer that I can't wait to get on to my bed!
Thank you one and all for such a wonderful day! Peggy didn't stop talking about it the whole way home...of course that could have been the booze...but I think she was happy! I know I was content. Now if only those sheets would dry...I'm freeeezing and I'm freaking TIRED!
Night night, babies!!
She is too damn cute. Where the heck did you guys go, it sounds awesome and I never even heard of it. Well fuddruckers yeah, but none of the other places. Hope Peggy doesn't wake up with a hang over for church tomorrow! Better yet, hope she doesn't sleep for 40 days and 40 nights because of the alcohol and her meds!!!
Does every picture you have of me have alcohol in it??? Seriously, the night was fun!!! I was proud to be able to witness Peggy's first "purchase". And the waitress was awesome, saying Happy Birthday like 19 times! Now if only the Pats had won... :(
Did you say something about "sipping" a Margerita? From all appearances, it looks as if she's trying to suck a golf ball through the straw. I see no evidence of an innocent sip.
I'm so happy that you and your camera weren't there to chronicle my 21st birthday. Peggy looks like a good sport.
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