


What's a Widget?

In this case, it's a flash player that streams podcasts, music, photos, videos, and any other type of file. is offering unlimited bandwidth with this widget, and they also will host up to 1gb of files for free. This is pretty cool. I will have one uploaded to my blog by the end of the day.

Basically, you can share files with your blog readers. Working on a short story? Put your installments on the widget. Is there a song you would like your readers to hear because you identify with it, or because it's new, or because it's funny for some reason, or because you are just in the mood to tell the world you are a fan...put it on your widget . Want to share a funny home video, or a video montage you've worked hard on? It could be so simple if you had a widget. You can make your own podcasts, promote photos of your kids-or photos you've taken just for fun. There are little to no limitations. Get some fun out of your blog-and give that fun to your faithful readers as well. It's as easy as anything else you do with your blog...I really like it.

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