Hold me close now, Tony Danza...

Nancy was "thrown the gauntlet" last week...and did envision quite a successful route from Tarek on "The Donald Trump Show" to "The Danza." I was challenged to get Reese Witherspoon to Tony...seeing as she has stolen my name. I was absolutey blocked, and couldn't figure it out. I went a ridiculous route through William Shatner or some nonsense. Of course, I was extremely disappointed in myself and decided I could and would do better. It steamrolled my brain all week...not that me getting off track should surprise any of you by now. My problem is that I have a brain positively soaked with the most USELESS knowledge one brain can hold. Where was I going wrong. I knew the key was the movie "Crash," because surprisingly enough the Danza appeared for a few moments in the movie. (**Please note I verified the info, and did see with my own two eyes his presence in the film...and yes, you can be scared of me!) On Friday, I was making my way from Maine Med (I accompanied a friend for some pre-natal tests...not to worry!) to work and all of a sudden it dawned on me!! I can link Reese to Danza in ONE FRIGGING DEGREE!!! I laughed out loud in my car and immediately called Lauren to let her know my news!! I had to leave a message-which was even more admittedly pathetic...but worth it!! So here's the moment you've all been waiting for...
Reese Witherspoon was in Cruel Intentions (and is married to!!) Ryan Phillipe...
Phil from the Amazing Race? I realize I stole your thunder by posting about Six Degrees of tony Danza before you could get there...but this is just a cruel and unreasonable Gauntlet. But I will do my best.
Is there a time limit on these things? Seeing as where you took your sweet-ass time on Reese Witherspoon, and still look to claim complete credit for a victory, I should think not.
Consider the challenge taken!
Reesie, you are, indeed, a treasure trove of useless knowledge. Please accept my congratulations. If only my brain wasn't a sieve, I'd take you on.
Apparently no one reads my blog.
Nice Information.
1)Robert Duval was in Gods and Generals with Mira Sorvino...
2)Mira Sorvino was in Summer of Sam with Jennifer Esposito
3)Jennifer Esposito was in CRASH with the acclaimed Tony Danza!!
This is a sickness!!
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