Drivin' that train...high on Christmas...Tommy Hanks you better watch your speed...

I finally saw The Polar Express last night, and it was very enjoyable. I know that my cousin Allison, who is all of 2 and a half years old, is completely mesmorized by trains and currently this film, thus I felt I should "study up" before my visit this weekend.
Now here's the thing, Tom Hanks (and I know this is going to put people in an uproar-but so be it-no apologies!) drives me CRAZY. Not as much as Tom the Cruise...but he's pretty much up there. I know this is making people jump from their computers and throw the monitor to the floor. If you haven't yet, don't...my tirades on the rich and famous are not worth the monetary loss of your personal effects. Let me explain, and you don't have to agree with me...it's my opinion and that's why I'm using the blog.
Tom Hanks started a vile virus that is consistently and systematically devouring the comedic male actors of our time. When he won his Oscars, all of a sudden there were actors who had primarily been in comedies now vying for a best actor Oscar. Please, leave the dramatic acting to Denzel and Joaquin. Bill Murray, understand that being funny is your thing...and that Lost in Translation sucked because everyone wanted to see you BE funny. It may have done well in the box office, but there's a reason you didn't get the little gold statue...it blew. Jim Carrey...stick to the goofy stuff we actually enjoy seeing. While I agree you were robbed for Man On the Moon...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was making me wish I had a mind eraser myself. I'm looking forward to Fun With Dick and Jane...but if you ever do something like The Majestic again...we're in a fight. My point is...do what you do best...be funny. Tom Hanks started in comedy, and was successful, and made an equally successful transition to the dramatic as proven by his Oscar wins. Maybe the Academy needs to actually start a category for work in comedy so that comedians can get their dues...but it really shouldn't be about accollades and shiny naked gold men holding swords...it should be how you keep your audience happy. And listen up Chevy Chase and Steve Martin...I know you're trying too...I'll not have it!!
Now I am impressed on one hand that Tom Hanks has been able to keep former Bosom Buddies buddy, Peter Scolari in a job when he can. He's put him in roles that are barely visable...but really...in this case he could have been decent and given him a role other than the 30 he did himself!! Richie Cunningham puts his brother in everything...and he really should be barely visable...give Petey a break!! Kudos for adding Steven Tyler as an elf...always a good idea to put a Tyler in your movie...look what happened with Lord of the Rings.
Honestly, other than the plague that is Tom the Hanks sitting over this film, I did enjoy it. I'm a little concerned about the fact that the aforementioned toddler (Allison) is ready to go when the train comes to her house...she's a strong little bugger! There's no way I would go on a train that had that "know it all kid" on it...very annoying. She's so cute though, if she was the one awarded "the first gift" I bet she'd ask for the whole train...and Santa would definitley give it to her because, really, he'd have no choice...she's way too cute to deny!
Off to watch the Grinch!
You didn't Like Lost in Translation? Jesus, we're at odds on everything here. Will Ferrell, Wal-Mart, and now this. I LOVED Lost in Translation. I think lots of it had to do with the fact that I've wanted to go to Tokyo for years, and it was a great backdrop for this movie. Anyway, I'm going to let the Lost in Translation thing go. Did you see Murray in that Vie Aquatique thing? I saw about three seconds of it and shut it right off. I will agree, though, that Jim Carreys serious roles are annoying as all hell. Although I don't share the passionate hatred of Tom Hanks that seems to have an unhealthy hold on you, I do agree that his presence in every film (I hear he's playing the ape in Kong) is a little annoying. The actor I hate in your Tom Hanks-esque way is that JACKASS Russel Crow. I hate that guy!!!!!!!!
I'm waiting for the commentary on the best holiday film of all times....Trading Places!!
Yeah, and don't forget to mention the ham he pulls out of the wig on his chin.
OMG...I never saw this coming. 27 and a half years of friendship right down the drain. HOW can you...I repeat HOW can you...rip apart my Tom Hanks. He is one of my absolute favorite people. WE, Mo, ARE IN A FIGHT. HUGE ONE.
Yeah Kim, I knew you'd blast me...you need to understand it though...and apparently after 27.5 years...you don't:(
Tom Hanks eats!
I have to disagree, I don't like this Hanks Bashing verymuch. I think he is a very good Actor and I can't wait to see him in the Da Vinci Code. The trailer looked really good. I have a link to it on my blog.
Tom Hanks IS one of the most talented male actors. Of course he has had some flops, who hasn't? But, in all honesty, most of his work is absolutley amazing. Not to mention he is hot, no matter how old he gets.
I think Tom Hanks sucks too. I haven't liked him since Big. He's a good actor but annoying as hell.
I have always been anti-Tom Cruise. I suspected that he was a creep and I was right! But then again, I hate everyone so now and then I am bound to be right...
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