She's alive...
I know, it's been rough for all of you. Fear not...I am indeed alive...and kicking myself for losing my recap of the wedding blog:( I can't even talk about it. So between getting caught up on work and sleep...I've neglected the multitudes of bloggers out there waiting for word from me. All 6 of you:) Ha!
I will have a better blog sometime soon, but just to put some of your minds at ease I finally acheived my goal of seeing the second installment of Pirates of the Carribbean today. I know many of you have been worried with my insane schedule as to when I would see it...and the dream has finally been realized. Ha. I enjoyed it...I actually screeched at one which Peggy laughed at me and some jerk told her to "ssssh." Not cool. Heaven forbid someone enjoy a movie they paid for, or at that enjoy the terrification of their own sibling. Yes, I know terrification is not a word, but this is my blog dammit. This movie was a bit darker than the original, and eluded to a few more Disney attractions which I found interesting. Peggy's new boyfriend is Johnny Depp...or as she calls him "Captain Jack Sparrow." I just can't dig a guy that wears more makeup than me. It is not as good as the first movie, but FAR better than The Haunted Mansion. If they keep on this "rides becoming the movie" kick then I would love to see what they can do with the ever so terrifying "Teacups." I think Sea World should get in on the action and do a movie about the horrors of people riding those rascal scooters around the parks and running down those who must walk! I do think Sea World has a law suit for this Pirates movie, but I won't say why if some of you haven't yet "shivered ye timbers." If you see Peggy soon, ask her to "do the pirate." You won't be disappointed.

I promise to post on the wedding soon, though I think Maggie, Julie and Nancy did great jobs on their blogs and I don't want to force you all to read repeated information. You should check them out!!
Congratulations to my friend Linda who recently uncovered an elusive piece of treasure on the beach...royal blue sea glass!

So great to see you back! I'm glad you are, indeed, alive and kicking!!
Oh MY, Reesie! You managed to touch on two of my favorite pet peeves in one blog entry; well done! "Man make-up" is...well it's just wrong. And those scooter driving maniacs that terrorize the theme parks of Florida, they are in a class by themselves. Why, oh why, do they think the masses must give way to their incessant scooter honking? It's a mystery. A bonafide mystery.
Hey there.
Good blog. As someone who witnessed Peggy doing the pirate, I would give it a ten on the laughter scale. She was hilarious. Just make sure she has the towel when she does it. :)
I put up the picture of me you and Julie on MySpace. I still have to upload everything onto Snapfish so you can enjoy. :)
Miss you. See you this weekend!!! :)
Yeah! She's back!!! I've been in serious withdrawl! With us living in MA and you in ME and we never see each other any more I miss the hilarity that is an encounter with Mo.... glad to have you back, sister!
I had to learn about Lance Bass's announcement from Pop Candy. Here's to hoping we see you next weekend.
Yeah you're back! I am one of your devoted Fans! Keep it up! Ooooh that sea glass is beautiful!!
Loved all of the pics from Fwiz's wedding! looks like you had a great time!!!
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