Pit Stop!

Also new and exciting this week...Britney "I ain't manic depressive, I'm country" Spears has dyed her hair jet black a la Jessica Simpson's sister Ashlee "I ain't manic depressive, I just can't sing and should have stayed on 7th Heaven so people wouldn't always refer to me as Jessica's sister" Simpson. Ok Brit...you aren't sad...we get it (*wink*)...

As mentioned before I have to work all weekend, I will do my best to keep you updated as much as I can, but please keep in mind that I'm preparing for "the wedding of the century" and my trip down south:) Oh, yeah...and my dress isn't done!! I have no fear that it won't be ready though, so you can all breathe (but say a little prayer for me anyway!)...
Happy Friday, everyone!!
Look at the kid in the bottom picture. What's in his bottle, Beer? The kid looks loaded. If I had Brit as a mother, I'd probably want to spend as much time as possible in an altered state, too.
I've known a few people who were told to stay away from chemicals such as nail polish, hair dye, anything with a strong fume like aroma while they were pregnant. Just another instance that Brit could care less about the safety of her babies.
Well, I have a friend who is pregnant and said that her doctor gave her the a-ok for hair and nails...or it might have just been the nails...or her hair:) I'll have to ask her again:)
As long as Britney isn't chasing Paxil with Colt 45's anymore...little baby Fed may come out ok. I'm more concerned about AFTER it's born! Poor Sean Preston!!
Don't you think Brit looks just like Angelina Jolie in that first pic? I thought it WAS Angelina for a second.
I want to know what Bloomingdales has done to so upset you!!!
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