Another post??

CRAZY!! But true! I'm either really bored, or really adamant about re-connecting with my blogland buddies!
I just want to make a few announcements:
a) I've re-vamped the Trivia game. And by "re-vamped" I mean, I finally changed the topic and actually participated in the game for the first time in months! So get your game on!
2) I finally signed up for pay-per post...something my friend Drew has been trying to get me to do for a while. All I had to read was "I made $400" and I signed get ready for more posts that make little sense to even write about on the "We're in a fight." But you should be ready for that-because what do I write about that ever really makes sense?? I will be stealing his idea to post those in a particular color so you can differentiate between my self important musings and the ads...but I haven't chosen a color scheme you'll have to wait for that announcement later!
d) I watched A Christmas Story last night. Wow, that's great! (That's an obscure quote from the movie...I had to stick it in!) Usually I wait for Christmas Eve and watch the marathon on TNT...but I couldn't turn the channel when I saw it was on! So, after the movie, I'm thinking...what is little Ralphie up to these days? I haven't seen him since his stint as a shoplifter on Punky Brewster YEARS ago (yeah, I can't remember the shirt I wore yesterday...but I remember guest appearances on 80's sitcoms. I can't explain it, it's a gift.).
So, I check one of my favorite websites... (internet movie database...see the link on the sidebar). Now, before I go any further, just know that I do know what happened with "Flick." It was on E True Hollywood Story a few years ago...and it's ruined the movie "The Toy" for me. At any rate, little Ralphie (Peter Billingsly) is a producer of several well known MAINSTREAM films, and has even appeared in some of them without credit. He's very good friends with Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau...and has appeared in ELF and The Break-up. Who knew?
Christ, Reesie. When it rains it pours on the blog! I haven't heard hyde nor hair from you on this blog site in ages and now you've overwhelmed us with three posts in a row. I can barely catch up!
As usual, I enjoy reading all that you have to say.
You'll have to teach me how to cash in on that Drew trick. I wonder if I could get it to work on my Mac blog.
Love your new format! I love A Christmas Story too! Elf is on tonight and I haven't seen it so maybe if I can stay awake ....
Hey, Jan 7th The Apprentice LA starts ! YES !! get ready ... and without Caroline???!
Have you noticed that Jon Favreau is almost always in movies with Vince Vaughn? Rich pointed out that he was the brother in The Breakup the other night - yes, we watched in honor of the real "Jen and Vince" breakup. Pathetic, I know but I was on meds for my back. And no, there is no excuse for Rich. None, except putting up with me on meds. :)
Ok, so I must have missed the last sentence of that entry... LOL. Meds, I swear.... :)
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