


Wedding Weekend...

Hello again:)

This weekend is the wedding of my friend's Drew and Allison. Tonight I attended the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner because I'm reading at the wedding. As I typically do, I got lost and was late. Excellent. Then I got really lost on the way to Maggie's after the dinner. I don't know what it is...but I can pretty much find my way anywhere but tonight North Attleboro got the best of me. My problem is I refuse to ask directions-I just kind of go for as long as I can without running out of gas and I eventually find my I did tonight. (Please note I will be leaving 2 hours early tomorrow to guarantee I don't lose my way again!!) I may have a little issue sleeping as I wasn't thinking and just washed down two Excedrin with Caffeine-FULL Diet Coke. I'm from Maine, so I'm whicked smaht!

Tonight was a lot of fun though, and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!

I would also like to wish my friend Kim, my oldest friend in the world, a very happy birthday...even if she is a dick. :) Happy happy!!


At 7:17 AM, Blogger BenSpark said...

Hey Mo, we know you will be there today. Yes I am blogging on my Wedding Day. What can I say I got up early to take care of Blog business.


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