Wish You Were Here...

So as most of you know I’ve successfully transplanted myself in Florida…well, I’m in the process of a successful transplant anyway!
I postponed my roadtrip a few days as my traveling companion, Peggy, was very ill and ended up having to go see the doctor. And as it’s been documented…I’m a procrastinator and decided that enjoying the holiday with my friends and family was more important than actually packing. Yikes. I will have to return to Maine and get the rest of my things in order…but I have to find a place to live first!
When I left Maine, it was literally like a postcard gift from Mother Nature. I wish a photo could do it justice, but it just cannot. The sky was a beautiful purple and pink, just before the sun rose. The trees were frosted with snow from the day before. It was just meant to be! Listening to the radio, driving over the Piscataqua Bridge (also the Maine and New Hampshire Border) Greenday’s "Good Riddance" more popularly known as "Time of Your Life" came on. It was just a really pleasant, though admittedly cheesy, way to leave Maine!!!
Peggy was great company on our adventure! Usually she sleeps the whole time she drives with anyone, but she was talkative and happy. That kid can make me laugh so hard…she’s hilarious when she wants to be! We got to Virginia the first day, we probably could have made it further, but we sat in traffic in New York on the George Washington Bridge (Maggie’s nightmare!!) and then again at the toll booth (regardless of my EZ Pass!) in Delaware.
The second day was pretty rough, there was a lot of rain and traffic through North Carolina and South Carolina. We ended up staying in SC, right on the border of Georgia for the night. The rain was brutal, like driving through a snowstorm at home! The traffic was nonsensical! I’m a slow driver, but generally I go the speed limit or just above. The speed limit down here is 70…70!! I kept getting stuck behind trailers going 55. No kidding. Trying to pass these things was a joke…I was getting so frustrated because I just couldn’t get over!! Granted, I was also into the 8th hour of listening to XM’s Disney Channel with Peggy…so that might have had something to do with my frustration!! I almost wanted to drive straight through to Orlando and find those responsible for High School Musical and make them STOP!!! Sensing I was minutes away from a nervous breakdown…the Days Inn became a welcome stop! My parents called ahead and booked the room, which was fortuitous as due to the rain the dump had zero vacancy minutes after our arrival!
Peggy discovered the "cricut" on an infomercial…we watched it about 12 times. She really wants it…and even took down the phone number the first night in VA. When we were in SC she got all mad because the phone number was "different." She had written down, and MEMORIZED the one from VA. The poor kid, I told her it was probably a regional thing and they had different numbers for some reason. Anyone we talked to on the phone got the earful about the cricut. We spoke of it ad nauseum the rest of the way...Peggy has many different ideas on how she can use it! I almost started wanting one! She could be a sales rep!! As dad says though..."start saving."
We finally arrived in Florida on Sunday. We stopped at the information center and received our obligatory free orange juice. It was official-we were here!! We drove to Elizabeth and Wes’ house and while she took Peggy to feed her friend’s cats…I hit the hotel, checked in, and took a nap! Oh happy day! Elizabeth had a party for New Years Eve, and I checked into my Extended Stay hotel on New Years Day…and have been there since. I finally got the rental agent to take my call last week…now if only he could produce a list of places for me to live!! There is one right near where I’m staying-so that might work out. I want a good neighborhood…but I don’t want the city…and I don’t want to live in the boonies. I’m picky…but if gas is going up to $4 a gallon…then I have to be reasonable.
The weather has been pretty funny here…funny interesting…not ha ha funny. It’s Florida, and I’ve been wearing a jacket every day! Last week it was in the 20’s!! Today it was 50 degrees. I know it’s nothing compared to what most of you are dealing with up North…but hey…you get a snow day and I don’t!! That should comfort you somehow!
So glad you're back at your blog, Reesie. Now keep us posted on all your upcoming adventures. We're sure there'll be plenty.
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